D3 Drought in America

Firstly, when the mouse is moving across the map or the bar chart, the related state will be hight lightened. And the line chart will show 3-month data for this perticular state.

Then, it one is interested in one perticular state, he can click on the state either in the map or in the bar chart. The mouseover event will be forbiden for a while until you click on these two chart again.

For the line chart, when mouse is moving from one point to another, the map and stachbar chart will show overall view of this certain week. Also, one may use click to change it into a static view.

Drought Map for

The Whole Nation

from July, 2015 to October, 2015

Drought situation for

The Whole Nation

from July, 2015 to October, 2015

D0-Abnormally Dry

Going into drought:

short-term dryness slowing planting, growth of crops or pastures

Coming out of drought:

some lingering water deficits pastures or crops not fully recovered

D1-Moderate Drought

Some damage to crops, pastures

Streams, reservoirs, or wells low, some water shortages developing or imminent

Voluntary water-use restrictions requested

D2-Severe Drought

Crop or pasture losses likely

Water shortages common

Water restrictions imposed

D3-Extreme Drought

Major crop/pasture losses

Widespread water shortages or restrictions

D4-Exceptional Drought

Exceptional and widespread crop/pasture losses

Shortages of water in reservoirs, streams, and wells creating water emergencies


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